Tuesday 2 July 2013

Queensland. Road Works in Progress.


You're In It

Here we are. We have packed, stacked, tracked, highwayed, bywayed, toll-wayed and just plain driven our way along...   and here we are in Cairns, North Queensland. So?!
It is lovely and green, with waving palms and lush, variegated plants. The birds are slightly different, even the ever-present ibis, egrets and Indian mynah birds. Blokes wear shorts and girls don't - but the nights are cold. That's C-O-L-D, in the old money, as evident by the cool touch of the two glass stubbies brought in to the fridge from from the back of the truck.
Our Top Tourist park in Edmonton is very convenient to Bates' home, and shopping is easy.  This is a new suburb, and straight streets  are out of  fashion. Each Avenue curves gently around the small homes, and  Mode Close and Style Crescent curl away in the shadow of the hills, the rise and fall of those paths adding to the charm of the clusters of houses. They all look the same in a deliberately slightly different way - and individual taste is em-blandished. There, I've invented a word when nothing else would do.

The Elly May developed a fault, too. The non-return valve on the pump lets water gently overfill our tanks, something un-noticed since West Beach because we have been so often on parched grass. Here, the water filled the wheel-ruts and became evident. A call to David, Creative's plumber, suggested the valve is not working. My first attempt to fix it not only didn't work, it left a weepy leak. Huh.
However, Cousin Quent and his expert sourcing and logistics (wow, look at the jargon!) led us to the Irrigation Experts for the valve and some fittings that looked likely, and BCF on Mulgrave Rd fleshed out the goodies.  Soon I was in wrestling mode, and after calling on my School of Experience & Hard Knocks diploma, the pump submitted and order was restored. Excess water pressure was blamed. Huh.  Zan celebrated by doing the washing and today we are preparing for a farwell West Coast in Cairns BBQ before heading off towards Charters Towers tomorrow.  We will have race-day traffic because of the Townsville 400, as well as the plague of road-works, so it will be a long, slow day. So be it.

It took thirty-five minutes to get the internet up and running enough to write the above text.
I tried tagain for aphoto or two to show you  the place and gave up after forty minutes of loading, drop-outs, blanks, delays and failures.

Q took us to the Kuranda Markets which look like they are in gentle atrophy. The remaining stall-holders are like the Casinos on a worked-out gold field.  They still look good but the customers are wary and prices are one-or-the-other; the passe stuff is cheap, but the good stuff is still optimistically high. I got a shirt for a tenner.
Wonderful to imagine these on friends I know. 
Join me inputting the little red number hanging centre high and see if that doesn't give you a smile.

All much the same.

There was a time when one was welcomed by the gentle aroma of some exotic herbs.  Now it's just Air Freshener!

That's all for now about Kuranda.

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