Tuesday 15 January 2013

Problems have been 'solved'..

We decided to have a red-hot go at putting up the annexe. Elly May's original equipment list included a colour-coordinated full annexe but there are no diagrams, no pictures, and with no exploded diagrams I might be an un-exploded bomb!
There is also the Toilet. The canister-thing. The cassette.  It hasn't been used much because I can't remember how to empty it.  Now, for that, we do have the instructions but I  think it should be OK.
For a start, we have to move Elly May because she's too close to the deck out the front so guess what? Zan decided we'd move her..  to Morgan!  She booked in for four days to make it worthwhile, organised the dog-feeders and loaded up on adrenaline-fuelled planning. Work! She loves it.
Zan feeling the Serenity
I changed the socket on the sullage pipe to a clip-on instead of a bend down here and screw the hose into a black  licorice knot version. The hose fitting needs to be replaced by something better than the Big W version that pops off under any pressure. And I betcha we'll need some more pegs and rope, but Morgan has a great Mitre 10 store where I would bet fishing gear, drop-nets and the like will feature. As you can see, planning work can be catching.
The trip to Morgan was good and the tendency for Elly May to feel headstrong is abating. Higher tyre pressures in both back tyres on Jethro and all four on Elly May might have helped, but certainly tightening the adjustment bolts on the HR hitch was needed. It's only the feeling I get rather than a real sway and I think the new tread on the tyres will round off a bit.
The site was ideal but very tight to back in to. Managed OK and stocked up at Morgan's General Store. The river is gorgeous here and although the powerboats and jet skis are epidemic, they travel away at speed and because the punt is close to the park, they have to take it quietly. There's plenty of water at present, plenty of birds and the weather was ideal. Our park-mates are all OK and chatting is informative and fun. Everybody has a lurk or two, from folding wedges to adjustable height steps. And advice on everything from adenoids to xenophobia.
Foreshore for Boaties, 300m from the Park
Then, the test.  First, the toilet cassette which certainly works, being very convenient and the indicator for Full was showing.  Remove cassette, extend handle, wheelie travel case style, gently up to the Dump Point by the loos. Upend on edge, funnel for re-filling goes Hup! Bounce! Into the DP drain. Retrieve same gingerly, rinse with hose and put safely aside. Turn fill / empty pipe and upend.. Hup! There goes the cap, same way. Retrieve cap. Look furtively round for witnesses, rinse cap and place with funnel. Upend cassette, empty, rinse. Replace cap, put funnel in slot. Wheelie wheelie back to the van, install. Fill with Green stuff using clean funnel. Tighten Cap, discovering no thread and that it's just a push fit. Fill tank with water after adding nice pink flush additive. Wash hands twice. Go inside and have one Pale Ale. Read instructions...  ".. take care to remove the funnel before emptying as it might...   MIGHT??!!  It went down the gurgler like a rat up a rope.
Extract instructions for annexe. Read five times.  Extract annexe from front boot and unfold, discovering bag of pegs, almost as many as the bag I bought at Ardrossan.  Attach skirt, move step and Zan. Try to assemble struts which have been packed for size. Rubik's cube training pays off. Examine neighbour's annexe which is very similar. Extend awning - has to be utterly out, never so before. Very tight. Grunt. Help from Zan. Feed walls into guides, Three sides no worries.  Anti flappers?  Install upside down, remove, slacken off a bit, re-install, tighten up again. Zippers up with joint effort, pegs in. Drink one Pale Ale, provide Z with glass of white. Be seated indoors.  Go to Mitre 10 and buy shade cloth for floor. Drink one Pale Ale. Sit in annexe no matter how hot it seems. Open bits for air flow, roll up shades.  Clean persons up, repair to Morgan Hotel for tea and a tinkle on the hungry machinery.

After a beaut sleep in Elly May's luxurious bed, we discover that it's Monday and the park's weekend fill of noisy younger boaties and the jet-ski set all drain away back to work. Pack stuff into Jethro and head over the punt and up the sandy track into the National Park where a Regent Parrot or some other bird might be found. Find a good spot and set Zan up as in photo above. Focus camera, bait hooks, sit quietly.  Drink one Pale Ale. Catch nothing, care not one hoot. Return to Morgan in the drowsy afternoon to find Mick & Paula in the Yellow Peril, wandering across the park.
Paula, Mick and Zan wondering why the Corvette doesn't go faster.
With a supercharged V8 and Driver, it looks and goes very well.
Sat about and talked with our neighbours from home for a while and mentally notes that we need two more chairs.
The next day was just as perfect weather-wise, so after a walkabout and a photo shoot and a fishing stint where I managed to join the not-so-elite band of anglers who have caught the limb of the grandfather redgum near the paddle-boat mooring, we packed the annexe up. It took a quarter of the time to take down, of course.  We note the Regent Parrots flying in and out through the park's trees, making our Serenity Session of the previous day even more worthwhile. Pack with style, skill and care and head home.
Both of us are becoming more at-home while away and we can see the future with some enthusiasm.

On the way (did I tell you that we reckon getting there is more than half the fun?) we did what many travellers don't do. We stopped at a travellers' creation, a phenomenon that happened ad lib. Between Burra and Morgan, the road crosses arid lands, raised river-beds of saltbush and dirt. The few scrubby trees look like the leftovers from an arborists garage sale. Mounds tossed up by hopeful graziers house meagre dams of clay tiles alongside designer derelict windmills. And as you press on across this somewhat necessary evil, you come across a Fruit-Fly dump point, which encourages healthy and rapid eating, and this wonderful shrine to the Gods of Overproduction, and the Demon Obsolescence.
Check this out. Truly, a thousand words might be better!

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