Tuesday 15 January 2013

Went to Ardrossan

Once home, Zan decided we had to go out. Fair enough, because the trip home from Traralgon via Hall's Gap had bee magical, despite the vicious lightning, scarily extra-loud thunder and bucketing hail near Crawford Forest. The hail gave Elly May a facial, leaving a few dimples....   and Jethro is sure-footed in 4WD.
Ardrossan isn't far so we booked and didn't worry about arriving in the dark. Jethro had developed a Noisy Injector, and polite enquiries revealed a dark side to the Toyota diesel motor. Replacements are expensive. Put some additive in the tanks and drove with gusto. The tick was gone in the morning! Whew.
The site was a drive-through and nearly level, so we popped in, set up and headed for the pub for dinner. It's a quiet spot of a Friday in non-footy season (and non-fishing season, we later discovered) so service was relaxed and happy. Fish and chips on the menu listed as local fish, and it was delicious and cheap. Certainly NOT frozen, though it would have been easy enough to freeze both us and the fish that night. Mind you, our tiny blow-heater is more than a match for a cold night.
Wandered about, up the jetty in warm sunshine and a cool, gentle breeze. Bloke catching odd squid, no fish and no crabs. Went for some Retail Therapy and bought a great fishing rod and reel, two impressive looking folding shairs and some sundry bits and pieces. Drove down YP looking casually about like a couple of millionnaires, taking the odd photo and smirking at the camping spots without amenities. 
Back to the Elly may for a read, a glass and a Soduku. Our internet dongle and laptop is a winner, giving us great access, keeping up with all the goss. To be honest, when you're away from home, brain neutral, bum on seat in open air, things look different. 
Then the door had a hissy fit. We hadn't really mastered its system, closing it hopefully and ineffectually, but now the overnight minimum encouraged a bit of urgency in getting it right. Extracted ripper tool-kit pressy from Cass with all gadgets, sockets, drivers, fit-it-together stuff; remove door hardware and try to see how it goes together again. Lessons from my youth; Try Not To Have Any Bits Left Over When It's Finished. Bingo! Thanks, Cass, your neat little pack was just perfect for the job.

Interested Resident came past, raking and sweeping the area and we chatted, as you do. He's lived in the CP for ten years, he said, and was as happy as a sand-boy.
Slept well. Packed up in half an hour, feeling the warm glow of achievement, still on shaky ground as far as confidence goes.  Headed home without a problem. Round One to us!

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