Thursday 21 March 2013

Zan's Week that was at West Beach

Zan decided to have a Dental Crunching Senior Moment last week, and a quick analysis of the situation by Justin, our dentist, was that some serious work needed to be done. Being of a practical mind, Zan decided to start that stuff the week of the Annual Girls Shenanigans - otherwise known as the Women's Country Carnival. Tuning up on St Pat's Day at the club was part of the fun, as you can see from this photo of Zan with bowls buddy Chris Jarman.

Green Light  for the Red Team Pennant as well as St Pat. 
That out of the way, we hooked up Elly May and booked into West Beach on site 37, absolute beachfront, for the week. Foul weather the first day, but the sun soon came out as the girls went out to play.  Ascot Park BC saw the Fours line up, a formidable group with Zan as the Three. Everybody took a couple of ends to 'find it' and soon it was clear that it would be a day for learning how to push it uphill. Mind you, the social bit was important - we managed to find somebody in every club that we knew.  And Zan's pink bowls got some recognition. I heard the opposition skip look at the head and as Zan stepped up, said "Here come those Bloody Pink Bowls again!"

Zan chats with Joy Emms from Wallaroo
Skip Bev Harvey really took the Green Challenge up!

Jill Ackland watches Zan's Bloody Pink Bowls go down
The Monday Fours was followed by a hilarious night of Green Fun at the Resort - the only night the Comfort Men were allowed to join in. Did I explain? The Blokes were welcome enough - to tow vans, chauffeur sports stars round town, pour drinks and supply psychological certainty - but the girls were off the leash after dark.  The guys did their thing:  I mean, when the music started after dark I got taped singing a song or two. I have been before, I know, but never before with duct tape!
After a bit of a relaxing drink with each group of happy Campers, we'd repair to our luxury nests to rest up for the next day.

Zan's three up on Marg here but went down overall.

Tuesday was Singles Day at Walkerville. I drove Redhill bowler Karen's  4WD with four girls to their clubs because I knew where they were and it gave the passengers time to catch up on the goss from all around. 'Now, look - this has to stay right here in this car...'  would start most episodes. The traffic was slow but the news was hot, hot right off the press! It was just hillarious fun and  I was all for publishing the lot and be damned, but the duct tape was mentioned again. Zan won one and lost the others, gaining both respect from her opponents and the best teaching tool - experience.

Karen P from Redhill giving me encouragment to take her photo
Wednesday saw  Zan team up with Di Brooks, a great bowler now with Auburn BC as they took 'em on at Grange BC. What a great green! It was to the girls liking, too, as they racked up three great wins with a wicked blend of great draws and a bit of luck with the running shots. The wind was kinder, too. I got to drive people around again, but I was sent packing in the ensuing play-off game so the girls could prove themselves without  peer pressure. Forty two ends of pairs, where you change ends twice in each one. How many miles?! But they stared down the sports pressure - till the score was a draw. Could they get that last end over and win it?  They did, by that magical ONE shot.! Through to the last 42 pairs in the state, and Friday's the big day to get further than that.
Am I proud? Totally. Can they do it? You betcha!

The girls decide on Strategy & Tactics.
They won this game 18 - 8,  I  think.

Today we had a wonderful day. The weather was disastrous for bowls, wildy windy, with dust storms, furious squally showers and we were pleased to be out of it. We shopped after the dentist had made his appointments (I think he was booking his holidays around each payment - he'll have plenty of cash, see).  Ikea supplied a tub chair and throw for home, a fold-up clothes line/drying rack and a shower caddy. I told Zan the GPS was playing up and she was a bit sceptical- until we came out from one stop and before I could move off, it said 'You are over the speed limit.'
'West Lakes, driver,' she said. 'We need a new thing-o.'
Z in her natural element. Shopping, large flat white coffee, magazine, visit Cass's new venture, Dance Central.

Zan, Cass and Bernie unpacking stock at Dance Central
Now we're at ease, the wind howling outside and the crashing surf just forty metres away. Tomorrow we head off to Marion for the Big Game, and then home to Ochre Ridge.
I doesn't get any better than this, does it?

1 comment:

  1. Second attempt at posting a comment Peter - great blog - hope the girls 'did you proud' on Friday!
